Individuals can feel so alone when going through a financial crisis. They may feel as if they are drowning in a sea of debt. Maybe you are that person. What if someone walked up and told you they would erase all your financial debt, allowing you to have a fresh, clean start on your life? Would you consider such a person to be a very good friend? Chances are you would. We want you to know you are not alone. A Minneapolis bankruptcy attorney at Hoverson Law Offices is waiting to assist you with all of your financial burdens. We can and will be your best friend. Immediately after the bankruptcy papers are filed you will be free from harassment by your creditors. The phone calls and letters will stop. For the first time in ages you will no longer have to worry about answering the telephone or opening up the mail. Creditors will be prohibited from contacting you. The heavy burden of debt will be lifted. If your home is in foreclosure the proceedings will come to a halt. Just like a best friend, the attorney will guide you through the tumultuous process as quickly and painlessly as possible. The attorney is looking out for you and your assets. A Minneapolis bankruptcy lawyer will do their best to make sure that you do not lose your valuable resources. There are two main types of personal bankruptcy, re-organizational which allow people to restructure debt and liquidation bankruptcy, which wipes out debt completely. Chapter 13 and 7 are the two most widely used for personal debt. The attorney will decide which type of bankruptcy is best suited for each individual. Many times people try to avoid bankruptcy by taking out another loan or a second mortgage on their home only to discover that later on down the road they are in worse financial shape than they were before. You do not have to go through this alone any longer. Stop the harassing phone calls, and take back your life. Minneapolis bankruptcy attorneys are waiting to lend a helping hand, so put an end to your financial crisis today.
There are times when a Minneapolis Bankruptcy Lawyer will be Your Best Friend
by Hoverson Law | Mar 22, 2011 | Minneapolis bankruptcy attorney