John has been repaying his student loan debts for several years since he graduated from university, but he is finally ready to make a change that he has wanted to make for many years. He has three separate federal loans under his belt, meaning he has to pay three different bills each month. And not just at the end of the month, but one is due near the beginning of the month, the other in the middle, and the last one at the end. For anyone who has to pay bills (that makes all of us), we know how annoying it can be to stay on top of paying bills that are scattered all over the place. Also, we have to make sure we have our money in the right places, at the right time, to make sure the payments go through. Well, John had enough, so he contacted a student loan consolidation lawyer to help him combine all that he owed into one, making his life easier. You can do the same for yourself, and it isn’t as difficult as you might imagine. All it takes is one call to the Hoverson Law Offices to start down this road of making the process of repaying your student loans more convenient via student loan consolidation. Student loan consolidation programs allow you to combine multiple federal education loans into a single loan payment. After they are combined, the weighted average of the loan rates that you had when they were separated is applied to your repayment plan. These types of consolidations are a great fit for people like John, whose financial situation in terms of cash flow, employment, and credit has improved since the time he left school and started full-time employment. If you live in Minneapolis or Bloomington and have acquired student loan payments that have become unmanageable, contact the Hoverson Law Offices today to speak with our qualified student loan attorney today. They will help you discover how to find relief, consolidation, and answers to your worries. As a leading Minneapolis, Minnesota firm offering student loan help services, we are committed to helping you!
Student Loan Consolidation at Hoverson Law Offices, PA
by Hoverson Law | Sep 22, 2015 | Minneapolis bankruptcy attorney