Filing for bankruptcy in Minnesota is a difficult procedure. Many of those needing to go through the long, drawn out process of doing so simply do not have the information required to make a successful bankruptcy case and the sheer amount of paperwork needed to be filled out can be incredibly stressful and confusing to most. For instance, did you know that there are several different chapters of bankruptcy that you may or may not qualify for? Each chapter has different proceedings, time windows, qualifications and paperwork to fill out.So how do you tell which chapter of bankruptcy you should be filing? How do I file for bankruptcy? What are the time constraints on filing a bankruptcy? How can I let creditors and debt collection agencies know that I’m filing for bankruptcy so that they might stop harassing my family, my employees and me? These are all legitimate questions that can be answered by a professional Bloomington and Minneapolis area bankruptcy attorney such as Hoverson Law Offices, P.A.For over 27 years, Michael K. Hoverson has been helping businesses and individuals file for bankruptcy in a timely, stress free manner. You will notice that when you hire Attorney Hoverson to assist in your bankruptcy proceedings, your creditors and debt collectors will quickly discontinue calling and sending you letters, and you will be able to safely keep the majority of your assets (in certain types of bankruptcy.) Let us know if you have any questions on how to file for bankruptcy or if you have questions on which chapter bankruptcy you fall under. If you are in the Minneapolis, Bloomington or surrounding Minnesota communities, call Hoverson Law Offices, P.A. today and schedule a free consultation. Attorney Hoverson will review and assess your case and determine the best way to proceed in helping you stabilize your financial life. Call now!
How to File for Bankruptcy in Bloomington
by Hoverson Law | Oct 14, 2013 | Bankruptcy Services