Having debt problems isn’t uncommon in today’s economy. Many have high credit card balances and are behind on mortgages and more. It only takes one job loss or a major accident to change someone’s finances forever. Talking to an experienced Minneapolis debt relief attorney from Hoverson Law Offices, P.A., can help. Our legal team is well versed in all bankruptcy laws and can work with you to determine what options are available for you in terms of debt relief or debt consolidations.
Alternatives to Bankruptcy
While yes, bankruptcy may be a good option for some situations, it’s not the solution for everyone. Filing for bankruptcy can affect one’s credit significantly and sometimes require that you liquidate some of your possessions. When you’re in financial distress, there are alternatives to bankruptcy that our debt relief attorney can discuss with you. If you have credit card debt, talking with a professional credit counseling or debt consolidation service may make it possible for you to reduce your payments. If you do decide that bankruptcy is a better option, consulting with our debt relief attorney can help you to file the necessary paperwork to get this process going. We will conduct a free debt evaluation looking through your bank, loan, and credit card statements to determine the best option for your financial future.
Call to Schedule a Free Consultation With a Minnesota as Debt Relief Attorney Today
If you’re in need of help with your debt, call to schedule a free consultation and debt evaluation with an experienced debt relief attorney from Hoverson Law Offices, P.A.. Our legal staff has many years of experience helping those with you to deal with debt relief. We serve all of Minneapolis and the surrounding communities. To schedule this consultation and debt evaluation today, call our MN law office at 612-349-2728.