Filing for bankruptcy, both as an individual and as a small business is a tedious, undesirable process that usually results in frustration. Aside from the fact that you’re declaring bankruptcy, meaning you are unable to afford to repay owed debts in a timely fashion, you’re also forced to fill out heaps of paperwork and submit it in a very small window of time that you may not even know about. If you’ve had to declare bankruptcy, we understand and feel your loss and pain, and would like to extend our hand in offering you our professional assistance in making your experience dealing with courts, debt collectors, public servants and payment officials a much less aggravating process.A professional Bloomington Bankruptcy attorney such as Hoverson Law Offices, P.A. can often alleviate the stress caused by filing for bankruptcy while offering a structured and easy way to repay debts in a timely fashion that works for all parties involved. No matter what type of bankruptcy you are filing for, whether chapter 7 or chapter 13, Hoverson Law Offices and Michael K. Hoverson can offer you professional legal aid throughout the entire process. With over 25 years of legal experience, few other Minnesota lawyers dealing in bankruptcy cases can claim the success rate and credibility as Attorney Hoverson.So if your hand has been forced and you’re considering filing for bankruptcy, call Hoverson Law Offices, P.A. today and schedule a consultation, where a licensed attorney will review your case and consider the best route to assisting you into getting back onto your feet. Bankruptcy is not a fun procedure, but you can live without the looming stress caused by going through a case. Call today, and live debt free.
Bloomington Bankruptcy Attorney
by Hoverson Law | Oct 3, 2013 | Bankruptcy Services