Have you ever filed a bankruptcy before? Most individuals and business owners who look into it are doing so for their first time, so don’t be afraid to ask as many questions as you like. What you are about to do, should you and your Minnesota business bankruptcy attorney feel it’s the right course of action, will affect your credit rating and immediate financial future. You’ll want to make sure you go into something like that with both eyes open. Not knowing exactly what you are doing could lead to disaster.As your attorney, our firm will help you analyze your financial position and make the best choices for your situation. Make sure you ask us about bankruptcy options like Chapter 7 and Chapter 11. Chapter 13 is also a possibility. One of the first things we’ll want to do is make sure you know the difference between them. This is a place in the process where you’ll want to ask lots of questions and also provide us with some answers. If there’s property involved and you want to keep it you’ll want to make sure you’re filing the right type of bankruptcy. We can help you with that. Michael K. Hoverson is also a personal bankruptcy attorney, so you don’t have to own a business to contact our office. We can help you get your personal finances in order too. Don’t feel as if you failed in some way because you need to file bankruptcy. It’s actually one of the best things you can do for yourself when you get too deep in debt and can’t see a way out. The restructuring that bankruptcy offers gives you a chance to take some time and start over again. The second time around will be much better.How much do you owe? What kind of debt is it? Do you own a home? Is your car still owned by the bank or do you have the title for it? What kind of job/income do you have? These are the questions we’ll ask you. What questions do you have for us? Bankruptcy is a scary prospect; we can ease the pain and help you understand it better. That understanding will make it easier for you to deal with your bankruptcy filing. That’s what you hire a bankruptcy law firm for, isn’t it?
A few Questions you should ask Your Minnesota Business Bankruptcy Attorney
by Hoverson Law | Sep 18, 2011 | Business bankruptcy attorney